

Beyond Pure

SME provides alcohol of the highest quality, delivered on time and is supported by our experienced team that responds quickly to specific customer needs.

American made, carbon friendly alcohol

Alcohol Guarantees

  • 199 proof minimum
  • Clear bright in appearance
  • 10 platinum cobalt maximum
  • 15ppm maximum acidity
  • 2ppm maximum aldehydes
  • 2ppm maximum esters
  • 5ppm maximum methanol
  • 2ppm maximum propanol
  • 5ppm maximum higher alcohols
  • Absent of hydrocarbons
  • 30 minute permanganate time
  • 1.5mg/L maximum non-volatile matter


To every 100 gallons of alcohol add gallons of methanol

Common Uses

  • As a solvent in adhesives and binders, inks and stains , soaps and bath preparations, shampoos
  • As a solvent for processing crude drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, and alkaloids
  • As a solvent for disinfectants and biocides
  • As a solvent for theater sprays, incense, and room deodorants

For more information, please contact our sales and marketing team:



See How Our Products Can Work for You

We’re happy to provide samples of our high-quality products upon request.